Thinking of having kids?

Children and how they can affect your relationship.


Children and how they affect your relationship? Babies in a new family and children are wonderful and can have a tremendously positive effect on your life. But having children can have a profound impact on a couple’s relationship, both positive and negative. One of the biggest mistakes couples make after the child is born they shift their priority to the child, making them the number one focus of the relationship. A healthy relationship requires that the partners are always the number one priority. It is easy to think that the child should be the priority. Still, you should think about it as if you were in an airplane and the oxygen masks fell from above; they tell you to first put the oxygen mask on you and then help others. 

If you don’t care for yourself and your relationship with your partner, you will feel left out, and it may fail. Many couples that filed for divorce stated that their partner no longer valued them and only focused on the children. Staying focused on each other needs to be the target. As you read this article, remember that focusing on your relationship with your partner and communication can get you through all the challenges that come your way due to having children.

The Good:

  1. Learning Experience: Having children is a learning experience for both parents and children. Parents learn about the world and themselves through their child’s eyes. Children learn from their parents about life, relationships, and how to navigate the world around them.
  2. Bonding: The bond between parent and child is one of the strongest and most special bonds that exist. It is a connection that lasts a lifetime and can bring a sense of joy and fulfillment to both parent and child.
  3. Personal Growth: Having children can catalyze personal growth and development. It can teach parents essential life lessons like responsibility, patience, and selflessness.
  4. Legacy: Children can be a source of pride and joy for parents. They can carry on the family name and traditions and provide a sense of continuity and legacy.
  5. Joy and Laughter: Children can bring joy and laughter into our lives. They can make us smile and laugh, even on the most challenging days.
  6. Unconditional Love: One of the most significant benefits of having children is the love that comes with it. A parent’s love for their child is absolute, and it can be one of life’s most profound and rewarding experiences.
  7. Greater emotional intimacy: Having children can bring couples closer together. Sharing the experience of raising a child can create a sense of emotional intimacy and shared purpose that can strengthen a relationship.
  8. Increased sense of responsibility: Raising children can also increase a couple’s sense of responsibility towards each other and their family. This can create a sense of shared purpose and commitment to strengthening the relationship.
  9. Positive influence: Despite the challenges, having children can also positively impact relationships. It can create a more profound sense of love and commitment and a shared understanding of pride and joy in their children.
  10. A Greater sense of purpose: Despite the challenges, having children can also give couples a greater sense of purpose and meaning. It can create a shared understanding of the mission and commitment to raising healthy, happy, and successful children, strengthening the bond between partners.

The Challenging

  1. Increased stress: Raising children can be stressful, leading to increased tension and conflict in a relationship. The demands of parenting can be overwhelming, making it difficult for couples to find time for each other or to maintain their emotional connection.
  2. Changes in priorities: When children come into the picture, priorities often shift. Couples may need more time for themselves and their relationship as they focus more on their children’s needs. This can lead to feelings of neglect or resentment if one partner feels they are not getting enough attention.
  3. Role changes: With the arrival of children, traditional gender roles may become more pronounced, leading to disagreements about who should do what regarding child-rearing and household chores. This can cause conflict and tension in the relationship.
  4. Financial stress: Raising children can be expensive and can affect a relationship. Couples may argue about allocating resources and may have to make sacrifices that impact their quality of life.
  5. Changes in sexual intimacy: Having children can also affect a couple’s sexual relationship. Sleepless nights, exhaustion, and the demands of caring for children can leave partners feeling too tired or uninterested in sex. This can lead to decreased sexual intimacy, which can be frustrating for both partners.
  6. Differences in parenting styles: Couples may have different ideas about how to raise their children, leading to disagreements and conflict. This can be particularly challenging if one partner feels that the other needs to do their fair share or is not parenting in the way they believe is best.
  7. Changes in social life: Having children can also affect a couple’s social life. They may have less time for friends and social activities and may find that their social circle changes as they spend more time with other parents.
  8. Differences in parenting philosophy: Couples may also have different parenting philosophies, which can lead to disagreements and conflicts. For example, one partner may be more permissive. At the same time, the other may be more strict in their approach to discipline or may have different opinions about what constitutes healthy eating or appropriate screen time for their children.
  9. Increased workload: Raising children can be a full-time job, and this can increase the workload for both partners. This can be particularly challenging if one partner feels they are doing more work than the other, leading to resentment and frustration.
  10. Changes in personal identity: Having children can also change a person’s sense of identity. They may see themselves less as an individual and more as a parent, which can impact their relationship with their partner. This can be particularly challenging if one partner feels the other is neglecting their own needs or interests in favor of their children.
  11. Impact on mental health: Raising children can also impact a couple’s mental health. Postpartum depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues can affect both partners, increasing stress and strain on the relationship.

Having children can positively and negatively affect a couple’s relationship. While it can bring joy, fulfillment, and a greater sense of purpose, it can also be stressful, challenging, and lead to conflict. However, by working together as a team, communicating openly, and supporting each other through the ups and downs of parenting, couples can navigate these challenges and emerge with a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

Overall, the impact of children on a relationship depends on many factors, including the couple’s communication skills, ability to adapt to change, and shared values and goals. With the right mindset and tools, couples can navigate parenting challenges and emerge with a stronger, more resilient relationship.

Remember that your relationship’s objective is to improve your partner’s life, and theirs is to improve yours. So, as you face some of the challenges, take a step back and reflect to see if your actions will improve your relationship or affect it negatively.

As a group of parents looking back now at the children we have raised, there is no greater fulfillment, it will be the most profound thing you ever get the opportunity to do, and we wouldn’t miss it for the world.

The Team wrote this for you because we care and believe in the happily ever after 🙂

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